The issue of the Vatican’s influence on the UN’s resolution for the protection of Women’s right defenders has come to our attention. Catholics for Choice assures us that they are keeping close scrutiny on the Holy See’s and some conservative countries’ obstruction of women and children’s full human rights. The Holy See and its allies insisted on the deletion of a paragraph that stated religious beliefs, national laws and cultural traditions would not be an exception to the resolution.

You are invited to take an interest in this issue. The links below provide background information on the Holy See and the UN. We encourage you to share the links and your thoughts by communicating with those who might be interested through e-mail and social media.

AWID's Response

Here is AWID’s statement about the resolution’s passage (which also includes a link to a Global Report about the threats of violence against women’s human rights defenders.)

UN Resolution Prorecting Women Human Rights Defenders

The resolution as passed is called: A/C.3/68/L.64/Rev.1. Here is a link where you can scroll down to L.64 and find both the original version and the Rev 1 as passed. It was passed by a Third Committee of the General Assembly and be put forward at the General Assembly of the Commission on the Status of women.

Catholics for Choice article

A publication of Catholics for Choice titled: “The Catholic Church at the United Nations: Church or State?”

A three minute video on the role of the Holy See at the United Nations, and associated issues, put together by Catholics for Choice.

We will continue to follow developments about this specific resolution and will post updates on the W-CC web site.